Mike Ripplinger - Superintendent
ripplingerm@union.k12.fl. us
Kelly Holmes - Executive Secretary
holmeske@union.k12.fl. us
P: 352.448.5054
Chris Mecusker - Director
mecuskerc @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5145
Cindy Howell - Personnel Specialist
howellc @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5065
Tina Smith - Secretary
smitht @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5067
Renae Prevatt - Director
prevattr @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5068
Cindy Maddox - Secretary
maddoxc @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5087
Brooke Bonds - Accounts Payable Specialist
invoices @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5079
Kara Wainwright - Financial Assistant
stalnakerc @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5086
Kay Nettles - Payroll Specialist
payroll @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5091
Pat Cunningham - Financial Reporting
cunninghamp @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5078
Betsy Whitehead - Coordinator
whiteheadb @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5102
Phillip Fretwell - Secretary
fretwellp @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5105
Christie Whitehead - Director
whiteheadchr @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5144
Kasey Kelley - Secretary
kelleyk @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5139
Stacey Rimes - Director
rimess @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5052
Marie Pittman - Secretary
pittmanm @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5106
Tony Raish - Coordinator
raisht @union.k12.fl.us
P. 386.496.2182
Monique Vanleeuwen - Secretary
vanleeuwenm @union.k12.fl.us
P. 386.496.2182
The Purpose Statement for the Union County School District
The purpose of Union County School District is to provide a collaborative learning culture where students are dedicated to excel with commitment from staff, families, and community.