Union County School District, Florida
55 SW 6th Street
Lake Butler, FL 32054
Fax: 386-496-2580
Renae Prevatt - Director
prevattr @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5068
Cindy Maddox - Secretary
maddoxc @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5087
Brooke Bonds - Accounts Payable Specialist
invoices @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5079
Kara Wainwright - Financial Assistant
wainwrightk @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5086
Kay Nettles - Payroll Specialist
payroll @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5091
Pat Cunningham - Financial Reporting
cunninghamp @union.k12.fl.us
P: 352.448.5078
Email Invoices & Quotes to:
Conducting Business with our District
Meal Allowances
Breakfast: $6.00 Travel begins before 6:00 a.m. and extends beyond 8:00 a.m.
Lunch: $11.00 Travel begins before 12:00 Noon and extends beyond 2:00 p.m.
Dinner: $19.00 Travel begins before 6:00 p.m. and extends beyond 8:00 p.m.
*Please remember that day trips are Class C meals and will paid through Payroll.
Overnight trips are Class A & B meals and will be paid through Accounts Payable.
Educational Funding Accountability Act Reports
Florida's Value-Added Model (VAM)
Auditor General for The State of Florida
Budget Information ***NOTE**** - "Tentative Budget" is also referred to as "Proposed Budget"
To report Fraud email:
fraud@union.k12. fl.us
The Purpose Statement for the Union County School District
The purpose of Union County School District is to provide a collaborative learning culture where students are dedicated to excel with commitment from staff, families, and community.