Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) is offered to children who are four years old on or before September 1st of each year. The VPK program consists of 540 hours of instruction
for the full school year program or 300 hours for the summer program.
Lake Butler Elementary VPK program is from 8:00-11:00 on Monday through Friday. If you would like for your child to stay from 11:00- 2:30, there is an $8/day wrap-around fee.
See linked calendar for closure dates resulting in no fees. We provide meals and transportation via school bus for students that remain all day.
NOTE: Lake Butler Elementary does not participate in the School Readiness program which offers financial assistance for afternoon fees.
To enroll in the Lake Butler Elementary VPK program, please contact Lynn Trowell, TrowellL@union.k12.fl.us (352) 448-5302
or Stacey Rimes, Director of Curriculum and Accountability Rimess@union.k12.fl.us (352) 448-5052.
Enrollment Forms
Note: You must be able to prove residency within Union County. Click to check
The Purpose Statement for the Union County School District
The purpose of Union County School District is to provide a collaborative learning culture where students are dedicated to excel with commitment from staff, families, and community.